Management & Development Consultants
604-921-4006     EMAIL

Other Services

Extensive Databases

of retailers, hotel, restaurant and entertainment operators are maintained by TREC. Potential tenants and operators are often contacted by TREC to assess their interest in a client’s project. Through the services of NAI Commercial & NAI Global, these tenants & operators can be secured through the firm’s listing & leasing agreements (see below).

The Point-of-View Survey System

(see POVSS description) is available through TREC International Inc. Point-of-View survey units are designed to collect, analyze and report real-time data. TREC utilizes the POVSS to help clients assess their customers' needs, satisfaction levels, development concept or land use opinions, product testing, demographic/lifestyle characteristics, purchasing patterns, perceptions of service, pricing/value and effectiveness of existing marketing channels, merchandising as well as examination of various issues.


A substantial Resource Library

enables TREC to offer clients the latest market knowledge and trends affecting the economies of the tourism and retail sectors. Memberships are typically held with the International Downtown Association (IDA), Urban Land Institute (ULI), International Council of Shopping Centers (ICSC), The International Ecotourism Society (TIES), International SPA Association (ISPA), and Health Action Network Society. TREC regularly obtains current resource materials from these and other leading institutions. TREC International Inc. also frequently works with industry associations such as the IDA, Retail Council of Canada, and the Council of Tourist Associations (COTA), an umbrella organization representing 42 tourism associations.

An extensive Photo Library

is housed by TREC international Inc. to further gain knowledge and illustrate relevant real estate scenarios and new or proven concepts to clients and relevant community groups.

Brokerage Services:  see NAI Commercial at for a complete list of brokerage services.